Top 3 cage brands for your fancy rat

Make your rodent comfortable in his cage

If you are a fancy rat owner, you may be looking for a proper cage for your pet rat. We have good news for you since we gathered all the information you need right here on our website! If you were looking for the appropriate cage size or any pricing details, we invite you to read our following top 3 cage brands for fancy rats article.

What you have to avoid before choosing a fancy rat’s cage

Fancy rats need a safe home just like other pets. Moreover, the raiser should be very careful to choose a house for his/her companion, as these little rodents need your careful attention. Here are 5 factors that you should verify before choosing a cage:

  1. Using a cage that contains wood is what you have to avoid at all costs. Any liquids, such as urine, for example, will soak into it. Moreover, wood can be a synonym for mold, thus possibly harming your pet rat in the long run.
  2. Choosing a cage sporting sharp edges can be very dangerous for your little fella. Rats sometimes like to climb stuff, and your fancy rat could get injured because of the sharp edges.
  3. You have to avoid using a cage with glass enclosures as it does not allow air to flow properly. As there is no airflow inside the cage, urine and feces remain inside the tank’s air, resulting in an increased risk for your pet rat to get lung diseases.
  4. You should avoid putting any wire meshes on the flooring of the cage. When your fancy rat walks on the uncovered wire mesh, it could get bumblefoot (which is an inflammatory reaction) and could result in a bacterial infection on the bottom of the animal’s feet. Furthermore, these infections are not easy to recover from.
  5. Cages with rectangular meshes (1.5-inch W x 1-inch D measurements) are inappropriate for a pet rat. When climbing up the sides, your rat can experience difficulties in getting its foot back on track, which often results in pain and injury. If you end up using rectangular meshes, however, make sure that the rectangles are large enough so that your pet can walk safely.

How to choose the proper size of the fancy rat’s cage

The size of the cage matters as your fancy rat will be there for long periods of time. If you are raising two adult pet rats, the minimum suggested size of the cage should be 30-inch W x 18-inch D x 24-inch H. For a multi-story cage, the smallest size should be 24-inch W x 14-inch D x 36-inch H. In other words, the bigger the better! Young pet rats love living in multi-level cages so they can run, climb, exercise, and have fun. Whereas, old pet rats can’t climb so easily anymore. Thus, a one-story enclosure is a great option for older pet rats.

Top 3 recommended brands for your fancy rat’s cage

Now that all the basics are covered, here’s a list of our favorite cages that would make your cute little pet rats very happy:

Petco Rat Manor cage

This cage features three ladders and four 0.375-inch wire mesh levels. The dimension of the cage is 16.5-inch L x 22.5-inch W x 32-inch H. Moreover, the wiring pattern is stain-resistant powder coated which prevents rusting. The cage is also easily washable, chew-proof, and foldable.

Additionally, its well-designed deep metal base prevents scatters and spills that could mess up the rat’s habitat. Also, this cage only costs $74.99, so it’s pretty affordable compared to many other models. Lastly, the Petco Manor cage is spacious enough for various toys and pet rat supplies.

Midwest Deluxe Critter Nation cage

This cage provides full-sized double doors, two leak-proof pans, two adjustable shelves, three plastic ramps with covers, and a maneuverable stand with four locking wheel casters. You guessed it, the Midwest Deluxe Critter Nation cage is quite luxurious!

The dimensions are 36-inch L x 24-inch W x 63-inch H. The cage is very easy to clean and decorate, as there is no center bar obstruction. The locking ramps are also useful for separating your pet rats with ease. The price, however, is also on another level and will cost you a whopping $259.99! Last but not least, this cage is considered by many fancy rat lovers to be the gold standard of all cages.

Martin’s Cages

Martin’s Cages come in a variety of sizes. The smallest size is 18-inch W x 11-inch D x 11-inch H costing $48.00 and the largest size is 44-inch W x 44-inch D x 24-inch H costing $103.00. However, there is only one major flaw with Martin’s cages: their mesh wiring is 0.5-inch by 1-inch wide which as we previously mentioned, is not safe for your pet rat’s feet. We strongly recommend that you add or change the default pattern for a square mesh wiring or a larger-sized rectangular mesh pattern for your fancy rats’ safety. They will definitely love it.

Finally, for those of you who are feeling adventurous, know that you can build your own cage by using a kid’s swimming pool as a base. The main thing to keep in mind is that the cage should be safe and large enough for your lovely fancy rats. That way, your pet rats will certainly enjoy their time to the max while you are away.

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